2022 stands out as a remarkable year for the Academy. Against all odds and despite facing severe resource shortages, our U17 team achieved the extraordinary by winning the MTC-Hopsol Youth Soccer League championship in Windhoek. This unprecedented triumph is a product of the collective determination and tireless efforts of everyone involved...
Riverheights Erfolge
Our U15 team had a remarkable season. Despite entering the SFC Tournament in Swakopmund as underdogs against top teams from Windhoek and the coast, they showcased impressive football skills. Their journey culminated in a thrilling final victory over DTS by a score of 2-1, securing the tournament title. Building on this...
Fresh from its 2022 victory, the U17 team defied the odds and reclaimed the championship title just two years after the academy's launch. This win held even greater significance as it came amidst a demanding season with reduced training due to our academic support programme which was introduced at the beginning...
The U15 team put a remarkable cap on their season by earning the prestigious title of U15 MTC-Hopsol Youth Football League Team of the Year 2023.
The SKW tournament took place on 14 July 2024. TuS Velen from Germany took part in the exiting competition.